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Suitable Investors
Our Family Office Investors are wholesale, sophisticated, high net-worth private investors seeking access and exposure to an unlisted, early stage, high growth business with potential to generate high returns on investment. They are investors wanting venture capital like exposure. Access to high performing listed equities is also available.
Sophisticated investors are investors who have a high net-worth, significant family income and experience in business and/or investment markets. Many countries have legislated a definition.+

Wholesale Investors additionally to being Sophisticated, typically are a more experienced investor who has the financial resources to access more opportunities and invest larger sums in higher quality assets.
The Investment Term should be viewed as from five to ten years minimum.


Information Memorandum ‘IM’ or Prospectus
Most investment proposals include either a ‘IM’ or a Prospectus. The IM is an important document, which should be read in its entirety, before making, a decision to acquire an interest in an investment. The information in the IM is general information only from the investments perspective and does not take, into account, your investment objectives, financial situation, or particular, needs or circumstances.
You should independently verify the material contained in a IM and also obtain independent financial and taxation advice as to the suitability of an investment to you, having regard to your investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs.


No Liability
IM’s will generally state that it has been prepared to the best of the knowledge and belief of the Issuer, the Company and its affiliates. The IM is comprised of statements of intent and opinion, many of which may or may not be realized or be accurate. The Issuer, the Company and its affiliates believe the information in the IM, including statements of intent and opinion, are based on reasonable assumptions. 

However, to the maximum extent permitted by law, none of the Issuer, the Company, nor their directors, members, associates or related entities, nor any other person related to either of them, will generally represent or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the IM, or any information contained in it, and no responsibility or liability will be accepted by the Issuer, the Company, nor their directors, members, associates or related entities, nor any other person related to either of them for any loss or damage, howsoever arising, which results from reliance in whole or in part on such matters.

It will often say the recipient agrees that it shall not sue nor hold any of the Issuer, the Company, their directors, members, associates or related entities, or any other person related to either of them liable in any respect whether in contract, negligence, equity or otherwise by reason of provision of the IM or any subsequent information and expressly releases them from such claims.


The issuer will require an Application Form and additional documents such as identification forms for the purpose of satisfying anti-money laundering legislation.

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